Meet PereViki!
UI Design Finalist

What does your design process generally look like?
First, I do a thorough research of the industry/client/problem.Then, I usually sketch some wireframes and create the necessary screens. I play around with my prototypes to try to validate the flow and experience I created. I iterate until I am satisfied or the deadline comes (usually the second comes first).
What is your most memorable Topcoder design challenge during this TCO19 qualification and why?
For me, the Vulcan project was definitely the most memorable and successful series of challenges. 3 RUXes with 3rd, 2nd, and 1st placement in a row! :-)
Who do you think is the most fierce or talented designer at Topcoder and why?
The most fierce designer this year was starck181995, in my opinion. What he has accomplished in the last 12-15 months is amazing. He is a role model for those who want to achieve something starting basically from zero. He proved that if you have the power and courage to fight for your dream, that dream will come true… at least on Topcoder.
What design software and hardware do you use and why?
I use Sketch on a 2018 MacBook Pro model. I am an expert user of Sketch and have no time to absorb more of XD for now. My first/previous MacBook convinced me enough and was my partner in crime for 5 years, so I didn’t want to change.
What do you do when not working?
Is that a thing? :-) I spend my free time with my family, I enjoy reading, and I recently started running again. In addition, I play interesting board games from time to time.
Where do you work? Tell us about your space(s).
I work at home. Since I work on my laptop, I don’t even have a proper office desk. People might think that I am just browsing social media the whole day. This is something I’d like to change in the near future.
If you could give your past self one piece of advice, what would it be?
I would suggest to myself to learn psychology, to believe in myself, and in the value of my work.
What kind of music do you listen to while working on your solutions?
What is the dream project you want to build, design, or solve for?
I enjoy working on anything that makes me learn a new slice of the world. If I have to specify something, just for fun, I would say it would be interesting to work on/win a GE challenge. Those who know my story will know why!
What’s the best tip or piece of advice you can share with other members at Topcoder?
Never stop learning and improving yourself.
What does Topcoder mean to you?
Family, security, growth.
What are you most excited about for this year’s TCO Finals?
Meeting with my friends. <3
Do you strive to be at TCO every year and if so, why does it matter to you?
Definitely. It is awesome to meet all the people there.
What was your secret to getting a ticket for the TCO finals more than once?
Commitment, I guess.