Meet cendhika!
Trip Winner

About Kharisma Cendhika Putra
Visual enthusiast.
What is the most interesting challenge you competed on at Topcoder and why?
Jessie’s Design Month! This was definitely a fun challenge series. For me it also feels satisfying to utilize photos you took at TCO event in your design. Another interesting challenge was the RUX of Topcoder days at T-mobile. Getting the opportunity to appear live on stage through the webcam in front of customer events crowd was a great experience.
What is your most memorable Topcoder challenge and why?
Onsite challenge at TCO16 for sure. It’s a life changing experience!
What do you do when not working?
Work on other things! I have many things to do at my end. Usually I jump from a project to another during the day. The great thing is, it never feels like I’m working. I just having fun with my passion.
Where do you work? Tell us about your space(s).
I used to have dedicated workspace with PC and multiple monitors. But now I prefer to work anytime anywhere with my wife next to me (best thing about work remotely).
If you could give your past self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Study overseas and have abroad experience as early as possible.
What kind of music do you listen to while working on your solutions?
Lo-fi Beats.
What is the dream project you want to build, design, or solve for?
Anything impactful and meaningful for a lot of people.
What’s the best tip or piece of advice you can share with other members at Topcoder?
Love what you do, do what you love (I copied this from lot of other member’s advice). Can’t agree more on this. :-)
What does Topcoder mean to you?
I always said, Topcoder is my life changing experience. I might not be quite as active as other member in the challenges. But, Topcoder is not just about challenges, it’s about a place where you can push your self to be better, and it can lead to many new experiences with places and friends.
What are you most excited about for this year’s TCO Finals?
To create another cool video! I always want to do things better and better.
Do you strive to be at TCO every year and if so, why does it matter to you?
Might be a once in a year opportunity to meet the awesome people!
What was your secret to getting a ticket for the TCO finals more than once?
Do video and do challenges for winning the trip!