Meet wleite!
Marathon Match Finalist

What is your most memorable Marathon Match and why?
2009 TCO Marathon Round 3. It was the final online round that made me advance to my first TCO Marathon final.
What’s your favorite Topcoder Marathon Match problem and why?
I competed in so many interesting matches, it is hard to pick one. I would say MM 28, my first marathon win.
Who do you think is the most fierce or talented coder at Topcoder and why?
Tourist. He is the only person who has won both Marathon and Algorithm tracks.
What do you do when not working?
Solve TC Marathon problems, play tennis, soccer and other sports, and have fun with my family.
Where do you work? Tell us about your space(s).
My home office and regular office look the same: a table with a powerful PC, a comfortable chair, and large monitors.
What’s the best tip or piece of advice you can share with other members at Topcoder?
Don’t get scared by the amount of information or the initial complexity of a problem! Almost everything seems hard when you start. Try to build a simple working solution and slowly improve from there.
What are you most excited about for this year’s TCO Finals?
Competing and meeting other competitors!
Do you strive to be at TCO every year and if so, why does it matter to you?
Definitely! TCO is an awesome event and is currently the main reason I participate in Topcoder.
What was your secret to getting a ticket for the TCO finals more than once?
No secret here! Just a lot of effort and putting all my energy into TCO qualification rounds.