Meet xudyh!
Algorithm Finalist

What’s your favorite thing about competitive programming?
My favorite thing about competitive programming is having the opportunity to win contests.
How did you start out in competitive programming?
Computer class is what got me started with computer programming.
What is your most memorable SRM and why?
My most memorable SRM would have to be my first win.
Who do you think is the most fierce or talented coder at Topcoder and why?
I think the most talented coder at Topcoder is rng_58.
What do you do when not working?
When I am not working I like to sleep.
Where do you work? Tell us about your space(s).
I work at Tsinghua University.
What’s the best tip or piece of advice you can share with other members at Topcoder?
Sleep more before contests.
Do you strive to be at TCO every year and if so, why does it matter to you?
I strive to be at TCO every year to win a trip to the US.
What was your secret to getting a ticket for the TCO finals more than once?
I find advancing during the wildcard round to be easier.